Developing the Best Benefits Package for your Employees Insurance Needs
Developing the Best Benefits Package for your Employee’s Insurance Needs
Our insurance agency is here to help you and your business. Our aim is to use our individualized service and expertise to "keep you out of the insurance maze."
Let us show you how. We use state of the art software such as Employee Navigator to provide you with online enroll and integration with carriers.
A Benefits program is more than just insurance. It completes your compensation program.
It gives your employees security.
It demonstrates your commitment.
It helps retain your most valuable asset.
If your employees don't value your benefits, we'll show you how to change that.
In this ever-changing environment of Health Care Reform, you need someone who has your back.
Usher Benefits has invested in the most state-of-the-art resources to keep you informed and in compliance.
This service is free to each of our clients.
Independent Coverage
If you and/or your family need coverage? Health ins., dental, vision. Click the blue box below to see your options, obtain a quote, and apply online.